Broadly speaking, carnivores, and this includes both dogs and cats, instinctively consume the intestines and their contents before consuming the remainder of the animal, and their prey are generally herbivores. Wild animals are typically not hindered by the numerous diseases that hinder domesticated animals of all types. This seems to indicate that the botanical contents of the preys intestines are in fact a nutritional requirenment for the health and wellness in general of a particular animal. It seems that domesticated carnivores need a supplement of plants and/or plant extracts for their nutritional requirements in order to fortify their diets. Ultimately dogs and cats are confined to kennels, relatively tiny yards or cramped indoor spaces and simply don't have access to these important flora. This domestication process and the use of unnatural and overprocessed, food creates various problems for animals.
Herr Kroeske, a highly respected Nutritionist and herbalist from the Netherlands claims that when animals are in their natural habitat they instinctively consume foods that both do them good and satisfy their particular bodily needs. But sadly, it simply isn't possible in nowadays to feed our dogs and cats properly. Most commercial foodstuffs for pets are highly processed and use chemicals to preserve or enhance flavor and/or color. The microflora in the digestive system is simply unable to handle this and the effect of food remaining undigested, toxins are formed and kept in his or her body. Perhaps worst of all, when this occurs the metabolism is badlydisturbed and this is the time when the animal is most prone to different disease states.